Ma’an Development Company

The company aims at reducing disparities between the Kingdom’s governorates and giving equal opportunities to citizens through the development of the southern regions to improve economic opportunities.

The concept behind the Ma’an Development Company

The Ma’an Development Corporation was established by the South Company for Construction and Development in partnership with the Industrial Estates Corporation and the University of Al-Hussein bin Talal in 2008 as the master developer for the Ma’an Development Area in line with His Majesty King Abdullah II Ben Al Hussein’s directives to reduce the development gap between the country’s governorates.
The company also seeks to provide equal opportunities to Jordanians and turn Jordan into a prime hub for businesses across its cities and governorates, including Ma’an governorate so it becomes an integral part of the comprehensive development process in Jordan.
The Ma’an Development Area (MDA), which stretches over an area of approximately 9 square kilometers, consists of four complementary components including the Residential Community, the Industrial Park, Hajj Oasis and Skill Development Centre.


  • Putting Ma’an governorate on the Kingdom’s investment map through highlighting investment opportunities in the governorate and providing a set of regulatory, administrative and financial incentives.
  • Attracting industrial investments worth JD100 million of which investments worth JD65 million have already been implemented.
  • Highlighting the competitive advantages of Ma’an in the field of solar energy, which resulted in the attraction of investments worth $400 million in this field. These investments are expected to be implemented in 2015 and 2016.
  • Turning Ma’an Vocational Training Centre into a centre for excellence in the field of renewable energy through finance from the EU and with the company’s support.
  • Creating 621 job opportunities in the area of which 509 jobs were taken by Jordanians of whom majority are residents of the local community.
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