The Concept
In line with the political modernization process adopted by the State, in parallel with administrative and economic modernization, and to encourage political participation, King Abdullah II Fund For Development (KAFD), as a national institution supporting the State's modernization efforts and out of its belief in the necessity of collaboration between public sector institutions, private sector entities, and civil society organizations, has launched a Grant to provide financial support to projects, ideas, and initiatives that contribute to enhancing and serving the modernization-oriented political project, along four tracks, namely:
- Establishing and supporting an environment conducive to producing and empowering young leaders
- Enhancing and improving political participation in society in general, and among the youth segment in particular.
- Contributing to efforts supporting the participation of platform-based political parties.
- Enhancing and increasing women’s participation and representation in political life.
- Supporting national efforts in the field of political modernization by enhancing partnerships between public and private sector institutions and civil society organizations.
- Contributing to the spread of community political awareness
- Enhancing the participation of youth and women in various aspects of political life.
- Stimulating an environment encouraging partisan and political action in local communities.
- Supporting an environment conducive to the making of young leaders and empowering them with effective political participation tool.
- • Supporting projects that encourage participation in Jordanian local councils (municipalities and decentralization), in a way that contributes to enhancing the role of individuals in decision-making at the local level and promoting active community engagement.
Target Group
- Civil society institutions and non-profit organization working for promoting political awareness.
Eligibility for Application
Any civil society institution or non-profit organization working in the field of political awareness is eligible to apply for support provided they meet the following conditions:
- Must be a Jordanian non-governmental entity.
- Must be registered with the relevant authorities.
- The nature of the project based on which support is sought must align with the goals and purposes of the applying organization and the nature of its work.
- The project’s idea must not be funded by any other party at the time the application is filed.
- The project’s idea must align with the State's modernization project.
- The project’s idea and activities involved must not serve or promote the ideas of any political party.
- The project’s duration must not exceed 6 months.
Nature of Support
A financial support will be provided up to JD 20,000
Selection Process
- Evaluation of the submitted applications by a technical committee.
- Selection of projects qualified for the interview phase.
- Announcement of the projects selected to receive support.
- Tamkeen supported 10 Civil society institutions’ projects, which were focused on Contributing to the spread of community political awareness, and stimulating an environment encouraging partisan and political action for different groups in local communities.