Date: 06/04/2024
Jordanian students win silver at URIC competition in AI, machine learning

Jordanian students have won the second place in the 11th University Research and Innovation Competition (URIC) hosted by Abu Dhabi University, in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning track.

The Jordan-German University students majoring in mechatronics secured silver through their project, "AI-powered Recyclable Waste Sorting Machine," which was supported by the King Abdullah II Fund for Development as part of its Undergraduates Research & Innovation Support Project.

Dr. Natheer Almitreen, the project’s supervisor, stated that they successfully turned their vision into tangible reality, adding that the invention marked a significant leap towards a more sustainable future. The project’s developers Abdulrazzaq Abu Hujleh and Muath Al-Afeshat competed against nearly 600 participants from 77 universities, representing over 10 countries worldwide. URIC involved various tracks in addition to innovation and artificial intelligence.

The project aims to enhance waste management and increase recycling efficiency by developing an intelligent system powered by artificial intelligence. This system facilitates and improves waste sorting accuracy and efficiency compared to traditional methods. It contributes to increased waste sorting efficiency and recycling rates, thus reducing negative environmental impacts and minimizing the ecological footprint. Moreover, it aims to establish sustainable financial models that combine environmental and economic benefits to ensure project sustainability.

It's worth mentioning that KAFD’s Undergraduates Research & Innovation Support Project has been active since it was established by the Fund in 2004, in partnership with the Jordanian Center for Design and Development. It aims to provide tools and support for Jordanian university students, encouraging them to engage in creativity and innovation.